In the mid-1970s, a small group of Fresno and Madera Youth for Christ volunteers involved with Juvenile Hall had a strong desire to develop a healthy living environment capable of helping vulnerable male youth in need of rehabilitation. This small group of volunteers was concerned about the damage to these young lives, and they began to research solutions. They discovered a program In Michigan that was extremely successful called, “Michigan Teen Ranch.” The idea was simple; build a home in a country ranch setting and provide 24-hour ranch parents to care for and work with the youth in a stable, healthy Christian environment. This Teen Ranch was extremely successful. In 10 years, over 90% of the youth they served became contributing citizens in their communities with no further experiences of unlawful behavior.
A Board of Directors evolved, and the conceptual foundation was laid, to build a Teen Ranch in the Central Valley. On June 1, 1983, Valley Teen Ranch (VTR) was incorporated, and after several years of planning, the building began on 80 acres of farmland in Madera County. By May of 1987, we opened our first of three homes, hired and trained staff, and filled the house with the placement of ten youths. VTR began to match real young lives to the dream of rehabilitation that first motivated that small group of volunteers so many years ago. We can see that the long journey to this point was worthwhile to the over 1,500 young people we have served in the Central Valley.
In 1989, VTR expanded services to include a Foster Family Agency and an Adoption Agency. Throughout these years, over 900 children have been placed with our Family Foster Agency to assist them in foster placement, reunification with their families, placement with a relative, and adoption, through our Adoption Agency. The VTR Adoption agency provides services to families who desire to provide a permanent plan of adoption for children and youth who are dependents of the juvenile dependency court.
In 2002, VTR opened a home to provide for youth that “aged out” of the foster care system, with self-sufficient living. Our Transitional Living Home has served over 155 young men with independent living skills, educational and employment guidance, and financial and time management training.
In 2014, our Residential Homes, Foster Family Agency, and Adoption Agency all first received accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) International.
In 2018, the Ranch transitioned to a Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) as per California Assembly Bill (AB) 403, which provides an integrated program of specialized and intensive care and supervision, services and supports, treatment, and short-term 24-hour care and supervision to children and nonminor dependents.
From 2018 to 2021 Valley Teen Ranch transitioned to new leadership and began a strategic planning process for future growth and sustainability. Valley Teen Ranch rebranded to VTR which included a new website and social media presence.
In 2019 VTR expands services to provide/expand treatment in Mental Health support and psychiatric care to provide a holistic approach toward attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention. Each youth is assigned a therapist, social worker, and mental health coach to work with them throughout their program.
In 2023 VTR expanded services to the Transitional Living Home, through a new program, Rapid Rehousing that provides short-term rental assistance and services to homeless male youth ages 18-24.
In 2023, VTR expanded services at the Ranch and added a new Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate foster care for youth who do not have parents in the United States (U.S.), or who enter the U.S. unaccompanied by a parent, an immediate adult relative, or an adult having document-able legal evidence of custody of the minor.
In 2024 VTR was awarded a Homekey grant that will provide 60 units for youth who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. This includes foster youth, former foster youth, and youth that have gone through the foster care system and are at risk of homelessness. VTR will also provide 35 units of single-family housing who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
VTR Builds a Foundation for Life through our support services that provide trauma-informed interventions and treatment practices for vulnerable children, youth, and young adults who are victims of abuse, abandonment, neglect, trauma, homelessness, or have a history of behavioral challenges. Through our five primary programs, Foster Family Agency, Adoption Agency, Transitional Living Program, Welcome Home, and the Residential Therapeutic Program, VTR provides interventions, advocacy, mentorship, education, and personalized care.

Connie Clendenan, MSW, was the CEO for Valley Teen Ranch (Now VTR) for over thirty years. From 1988 until 2018 Connie cared for many vulnerable children, youth, young adults, and their families through building successful programs and professional staff. VTR maintains the Residential Therapeutic Program, Foster Family Agency, Adoption Agency, and Transitional Living Home that Connie instituted. Her dedication to Valley Teen Ranch, her faith, and her great ability to spread joy, will always remain as part of her legacy.