The VTR Adoption Agency matches and facilitates adoptions for families who desire to provide permanency and a safe and stable home. These children and youth, ages birth to 21 years old are dependents of the Juvenile Dependency Court. They are victims of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. While many foster children are able to reunify with their birth families, permanent adoptive homes are needed for those children that cannot safely return to their birth families.
VTR social workers recruit, approve, train, and facilitate matching Resource Families with children and youth in need of an adoptive family. Resource Families and the children and youth placed in their home, receive supportive services and resources, before and after the adoption finalization. VTR Adoption Agency has been licensed by The California Department of Social Services since 1998 to work with all counties in California.
What type of adoption does Valley Teen Ranch do?
Valley Teen Ranch does Foster-Adoption. Children and nonminor dependents adopted through Valley Teen Ranch are dependents of the juvenile dependency court. Social workers place the child with specially-trained foster-adopt parents who will work with the child during family reunification efforts but who will adopt the child if/when the child becomes available for adoption. Adoption becomes possible after the birth parents have failed to reunify with their children.
May single persons adopt?
Yes, single men and women may also adopt through the Foster-Adoption program as long as they meet the requirements.
What is the risk with Foster-Adoption?
Foster-Adoption is often referred to as “risk adopt” because there is a legal risk for prospective adoptive parents. A permanent plan of adoption can be determined as the best plan for a child by the Department of Social Services before their birth parents parental rights have been terminated by the juvenile dependency court, freeing the child or youth for adoption. This is what is referred to as “concurrent planning.” This means that the child/children are still in the dependency court process. The Department of Social Services can recommend a concurrent plan anytime between the dispositional hearing and the 18-month review hearing.
Are Foster/Adoptions opened or closed?
Foster/Adoptions are often open and include some type of post adoption contact with birth relatives. Openness in adoption refers to the amount of contact among birth parents and/or relatives, adoptive parents, and the adopted person. The amount of contact may vary from family to family and, within a family, may change over time. This communication may range from little or no contact; to mediated contact through a third party, anonymous email, or post office box; to ongoing communication with shared identifying information; to occasional in-person contact, holiday visits, or regular communication and visitation when all parties wish it to happen.
What is the cost to adopt through VTR?
Typically, when a family is adopting through Independent Adoption or Intercountry Adoption there is a fee for the written report (home study) and other fees associated with the adoption. VTR waives the fee for the written report for families adopting through our Foster-Adoption program. There are minimal fees incurred while becoming an approved Resource Family, completing the required paperwork for the written report and travel expenses for children placed in your home from counties outside of Fresno.
The major question I had prior to adoption was “Would I love my adopted children the same as my biological child?” The answer is most undoubtedly yes; yes you will love them because they are your own!”
-The Knapp Family
-The Petersen Family

“The staff at VTR has been present. They are reliable. They are always ready to tend to each of our foster-adopt children individually, as people with specific stories. They are attentively aware of our biological children and the journey they are being exposed to as well. The VTR staff have been diligent in confirming that our responsibilities are as they should be. This is something I have bene grateful for especially where paperwork is concerned. As I a busy being a momma to my children, sometime paperwork is not the first thing on my mind. All this is to say the valley Teen Ranch team has shown consistent integrity and thoughtfulness as we collectively navigate this journey.”

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