Happy Freedom Month! I hope you are enjoying summer vacation and time away from the San Joaquin Valley Summer HEAT! I know I am!

This letter is your giving receipt for the second quarter of 2017 to Ray of Hope a Valley Teen Ranch Organization.

Thank you so very much for your gift of $ to the work that we are doing with the most difficult and needy children and youth in our State. From our Board of Directors, Staff, kids and myself, we all join together with a HEARTFELT THANK YOU, HIGH FIVE, FIST BUMP AND HAPPY DANCE! As my boys at the Ranch would say, “Are you feelin’ me?”

Whether you are a regular donor, memorial gift donor, Business, Church, Service Club, Foundation, attended and gave in support of our 30th Anniversary in May or any other reason, we say we appreciate you and are blessed to have you on our team.

We have a saying around here, “Teamwork makes the Dream Work!” and YOU are on our TEAM!

The Spring/Summer months include summer school, Water Park Parties, Summer Olympics, trips to the Ocean, Camping trips, Calvin Crest Camp, Monterey Bay Aquarium trips, and breaks from regular school schedules…..& lots of extra vehicle gas and PG&E bills!

Feel free to contact me if you would like me to do a presentation to any group that you are part of as well.

Peace, Joy and HOPE,


Connie R. Clendenan, CEO Valley Teen Ranch