Ways to Give


Annual Celebration

Please join us for our Annual Celebration!  Each year, VTR hosts a fundraiser to support our children, youth, young adults, and families we serve.  Your kind support ensures that specialized services, summer programs, activities, and basic needs such as clothing and personal care items.

We NEED you to help with the event!  We always need those that can help with silent auction items, bakery donations, or to be on our committee.  To learn more and sign up, please sign up to be a  volunteer



You can help Jacob.

He is one of the boys sleeping at the ranch tonight.

When Jacob arrived at the ranch, he tried to remain isolated and often he would withdraw to his room.  Jacob was often angry expressing his anger in his words and actions—a rollercoaster of emotion. This is often typical in youth who have experienced trauma.  After a while though, through therapy, specialized care, education, and building relationships with staff and friends on The Ranch, Jacob’s attitude improved and he started embracing his opportunity to heal.

One day, while exploring feelings through an art project, Jacob started sharing about his experience at the Ranch.  Jacob said, “There are cool staff here. They have shown me what respect means by treating me with respect. They explain things to me and help me calm down to think about what I am doing.”   Because of this, he helped his roommate think about a situation differently and stopped him from acting out.  Jacob said, after that happened, he realized that he wants to help others someday.

Please help us provide a space that shows them respect,care and a feeling of home.

Adopt-a-Room is a campaign to help maintain three Ranch homes.

There are two youth per room

  • Flooring
  • Wall Paint
  • Refurbished wood work
  • Room lighting
  • Mattress
  • Mattress pads
  • Bedding
  • Window treatments
  • Residential furniture-2
  • bed frames, desk, chair and end tables

Cost $ 5,000 per room or $2,500 for half a room 

Adopt-a-Room Benefits

  • We will include your name and logo for corporate/business support on our website and Annual Report.
  • Your name and logo will be displayed prominently at our office.
  • You will be acknowledged at our Annual Celebration.
  • If you choose, your name will be placed on the outside of the room you support on a brass plaque.

Charitable Contributions

Ray of Hope Fund –Logo here-donate online here

  • The Ray of Hope fund is dedicated to the services that directly support the extras needed to provide full provisions for our children, youth, young adults, and families that we serve. Your donation will provide for additional clothing needs, food for holidays, excursions that help youth succeed in their future, summer programming, and therapeutic programming.

Monthly Giving Program

  • Enjoy the ease and convenience of being a monthly donor while providing ongoing support and stability for our work. Donate online and select “make this donation monthly.” Your gift will be automatically be charged to your credit card monthly, on the date of your choice. You are able to adjust your giving level or cancel your commitment at any time.

One-time Gift

  • Make a one-time gift by donating online  or mailing your check to: VTR, 2610 W. Shaw Ln., Fresno, CA 93711-2775.

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Through a Memorial, Tribute, or even a traditional gift, you make it meaningful knowing your gift is helping children, youth, young adults, and families with specialized services needed for their care.

A Tribute or Memorial Gift offers you a thoughtful way to celebrate a special person, occasion or remembrance of a friend, family member, or loved one through gift given in their name

Celebrate Mother’s or Father’s Day, a birthday, wedding anniversary or any other occasion and give to VTR in lieu of gifts.


All Tribute and Memorial Gifts will be acknowledged through a letter we send to the person or family of those honored.

Gift Brochure Form

  • Who is this gift in Tribute or Memory of?
  • Who do we send the acknowledgement to?
  • $0.00
  • MasterCard
    Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa

To mail your Memorial Gift request, please print the brochure below, and fill out the form provided to mail with your gift.  If you prefer assistance, please call VTR at 559-437-1144.

In-Kind Donations

Wish List

  • Donate an item from our current wish list. Providing wish list items is a great way to support VTR.
  • PDF of Wish List

For other ways to donate in-kind gifts such as time, talent, and resources, please look at our volunteer page or contact Development@valleyteenranch.org


Matching Gifts

  • Your gift to VTR may have an even greater impact if your employer offers a matching gift program.  Contact your company representative to see if your employer matches charitable donations. Contact development@valleyteenranch.org

Work Place Campaigns

  • Check with your employer to see if they offer the option of donating to a charity through the convenience of payroll reduction.